Friday, August 8, 2008


Storytimes aren't just at the Libraries. (

Barnes & Noble-twice weekly in the children's section and it includes juice, snack and a craft.

Springs Preserve-they have a small library with storytimes and great collection on Eco on Geography subjects

Pottery Barn Kids-if you can handle not spending money while in the store...

The Never Ending Story-an adorable modern little bookstore. they also have special presentations such as Music Together demo classes

Town Square has weekly storytimes at the playground

Sahara West Library is my favorite library seeing as they have a large dedicated storyroom where the little ones can't run away. They also have the largest collection of childrens videos and an international section on the first floor. (They limit the number of people, so be on time and get a number)

Summerlin Library also has a dedicated story room, just a little smaller. I love the Librarians here.

Red Rock Canyon Visitors Center offers storytimes and workshops. Call to reserve

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